David B. Elliott

Hello, and welcome to my homepage on the Web! I’m an engineer currently working at SpaceX. I graduated from Caltech in 2020 with a major in electrical engineering and a minor in computer science.

I like building cool devices and software, composing electronic music, and exploring nature. I’m currently living in Los Angeles and always down to hang out and make new friends. Feel free to contact me or check out the links below for more information about projects I’ve worked on.


Starlink Product Electronics


I currently work on the Starlink Product Electronics team at SpaceX. We’re responsible for designing and validating the electronics consumers use to access high-speed internet via the Starlink satellite constellation.

Starlink Dish Premium Design of some circuits, PCB layout, layout automation
Starlink Dish V3 Design of some circuits, bringup and validation
Starlink Dish V2 Validation

Software Projects

Snake Chad Online multiplayer Algorand (crypto) game
RHR Simple dating website I made while at Caltech
Glen Canyon Archive Documenting the now-submerged Glen Canyon
DEADFACADE Artist webpage
ViSync Generate live 3D visuals, synced with your DJ controller

Hardware Projects

hard-pass Secure USB hardware password wallet
xdb-333 MIDI-driven analog bass synthesizer
rfid RFID reader and emulator
fn-gen Analog function generator
aqmon ESP32 air-quality monitor
bell Teatime bell


Vain Oblations 71ac - Vain Oblations EP
The Elementary Particles 71ac - Elementary Particles

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